Matt Warren

Matt Warren

Matt began his roofing career at the age of 12 working for free for his uncle cleaning/organizing trucks tools. At 16 he began working on the roof for his uncle Jerry Adams of A&B Roofing/Jerry Adams Investments. He learned the fundamentals of various types of roofing including: hot tar, wood shake, shingle, tile as well as composition shingle. He then went to work for C&M Custom Roofing. Looking to expand his knowledge and gain further advancement in the industry he went on to run a crew at Nu Shake Roofing. After Nu Shake he decided to focus his attention on metal roofing and began working for Cal Pac Metal Roofing Co. After that he went on to Cal Neva which was another metal roofing company. Still looking to learn more and push the limits of what he had been taught he moved to the Sierra Nevada mountains where he ran crews for Carter Roofing, Robinson Roofing and Matteson Roofing before finally opening the doors of Warren Roofing in 2008.

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